What is in store for you
A Brand trusted by many
1,00,000+ customers served across the nation in 43 different cities. Our consistency in quality can be seen by the 4.5+ star reviews we’ve received across all social channels.

Leverage our biggest strengths for your gains
We are the only company in this industry to hold license to operate in 7 states in India. Additionally, our team is constantly looking to add more locations and expand in different geographical areas that have a promising future in the bike-rental domain. Have the option to explore business opportunities across all states and cities of India. read morearrow_downward
Customers turned brand advocates
The brand promise of ensuring superior quality and uncompromised customer service has made our customers turn into brand advocates in no time. As a testament to this truth, you can find us being liked and followed by thousands of people on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube alike. read morearrow_downward

Technology-driven approach to optimize efficiency
Our team has built highly sophisticated operational tools that help in easing out our end to end operations. Our analytical tools determine the demand and supply through which we regulate our inventory time and again. We've also set-up tools that can track vehicles' position and it's health which has led us to have a robust Vehicle Health Management system. read morearrow_downward
Unbeatable customer service and operational activities.
Our highly competent customer service team is available 24*7 to provide a hassle-free service and immediate assistance to customers. An added advantage is that our large network across India can be leveraged to provide immediate roadside assistance to customers. Being in the industry for the last 4 years, we have an in-house 'Vehicle Health Management system' which steers us towards operational excellence. read morearrow_downward

Why Royal Brothers?

Established in

Serving in 30+ cities
across India

License to operate in
7 states

100k+ Bookings
served and counting

15 million kms